General Conference
Wednesday, October 19, 2011 | | OPENING KEYNOTE Internet 2020: TrendWatch Smackdown 8:45 AM 9:45 AM Roy Tennant, Senior Program Officer, Research, OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. James Werle, Director, Internet2 K20 Initiative, Internet2 Elizabeth Lane Lawley, Director, RIT Lab for Social Computing, Rochester Institute of Technology Stephen Abram, Principal, Lighthouse Consulting Inc.
This interactive, exciting, and free-wheeling discussion of all things tech looks at what’s hot on the internet landscape and what’s ahead. Werle talks about next-gen broadband applications and how Internet2, the U.S. fabric of not-for-profit research and education networks, is helping remove bandwidth constraints so public libraries and other community anchor organizations can make new technologies, learning experiences and community collaborations, rich educational content, and workforce development opportunities a reality for people within their community no matter where they’re located. Social computing expert Lawley shares her insights about the internet in 2020, and internet industry watcher, Abram highlights shifts and sea changes that he sees coming our way. Definitely a session to jump-start your future focus. | General Conference Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Track A
Ebook Evolution & Revolution
Building on the discussion of Day One of the Ebook stream about the major issues, including publishing, preservation, and workflows along with the challenges for different types of libraries, today focuses on the issues around lending, terms of use, the future of print, and more. | Moderated by Kimberly Silk, Data Librarian, Martin Prosperity Institute, University of Toronto
| A301 & A302 Talk About: Publishers, Distributors & the Future of Ebooks 10:30 AM 12:15 PM Alison Griffin, Account Manager, Ingrams Coutts Library Service Michael Porter, President, Library Renewal Robert Miller, Director, Books, Internet Archive Sarah Houghton, Director, San Rafael Public Library Andromeda Yelton, Digital Projects and Library Outreach, Gluejar Brian Gurewitz, Director of Content Sales, OverDrive
Although we are calling them ebooks, electronic versions of works are quite unlike their print-based counterparts. To force an electronic resource to behave like a print resource is an exercise in frustration; does each have a role to play now and in the future? The way ebooks are sold by publishers and distributors, and the terms of use of institutions serving the public are getting lots of attention. Join the collaborative conversation around these issues and be a part of this interactive discussion to understand various points of view of publishers, distributors, libraries, and new organizations looking to find creative solutions! | Lunch Break - A Chance to Visit the Exhibits 12:15 PM 1:30 PM
| A303 Practical Considerations for Public & Academic Libraries 1:30 PM 2:30 PM Chad Mairn, Information Services Librarian, St. Petersburg College Michael Ciccone, Director of Collections, Hamilton Public Library Sue Polanka, Head of Reference and Instruction, Wright State University Libraries No Shelf Required
Ebooks are used differently depending upon the users the library serves. Join our panel of experts from college and public library systems to hear them discuss how they decide if and when to include ebooks in their collections and within their curriculum, as well as current issues and challenges that they face and expect to face into the future. | A304 Ebook Issues & Challenges: Debrief 2:45 PM 3:30 PM Dick Kaser, Vice President of Content, Information Today Ken Roberts, Consultant, Ken Roberts Library Consulting & former Chief Librarian, Hamilton Public Library Joe Murphy, Library Directions & Tech Trends Analyst. Director Library Futures., Library Future Innovative Interfaces, Yale Uni Aspen Walker, Library Manager, Castle Pines & Lone Tree Libraries, Douglas County Libraries, Colorado Association of Libraries
This interactive session with a panel of rapporteurs, wraps up Internet Librarian’s 2-day focus on libraries and ebooks: by reviewing the highlights, pulling future actions to the forefront, noting areas for future research for discussion, and more. | General Conference Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Track B
Future Focus
Though we’re still reeling from impacts of past economic challenges, we are still faced with a turbulent future. Many are predicting incredible innovation over the next number of years. Hear our speakers as they speculate, share their expertise and research, and look into their crystal balls! | Moderated by Stephen Abram, Principal, Lighthouse Consulting Inc.
| B301 Tech Change 10:30 AM 11:15 AM Amy Affelt, Director, Database Research, Compass Lexecon Amalia Menon, University Head Librarian, Olivet University Regina Koury, Head of Collection Management, Idaho State University
Affelt speculates what tech changes we will see from 2011 to 2021 and explores current thinking on emerging technologies for finding, accessing, and providing information. Both the Horizon Report 2011 and ACRL’s report, “Futures Thinking for Academic Librarians: Higher Education in 2025,” list gesture-based computing as a trend to watch and adopt in a few years. Menon and Koury discuss what has been done in a number of U.S. and European libraries, what is coming, and what is on our wish list when it comes to gesture-based computing. | B302 FutureReady365: Highlights, Insights, & Advice 11:30 AM 12:15 PM Cindy Romaine, Principal, Romainiacs Intelligence Research & President, SLA Meryl Cole, Principal, Masterminds Strategic Research
SLA’s 2011 initiative encourages members to become Future Ready by adopting an attitude of being more adaptable, flexible, and confident in utilizing their skills in the new knowledge economy. An active community blog FutureReady365 is focused on sharing knowledge, ideas, and insights on how we are ready for the future. It includes different perspectives — members, vendors, partners, thought leaders and clients — so that we get a multidimensional view of what Future Ready looks like to inspire one another. Romaine shares the hot-button issues, weighted advice, and insights (appropriate for any information professional) gleaned from the experience of executing a daily, collaborative, distributed social networking project. | Lunch Break - A Chance to Visit the Exhibits 12:15 PM 1:30 PM
| B303 Imagining a Future for the Library Catalog 1:30 PM 2:30 PM Walter T Nelson, Manager, Library Systems, RAND Corporation Marshall Breeding, Independent Consultant and Founder of Library Technology Guides, Founder of Library Technology Guides Andrew K Pace, Executive Director, Networked Library Services, OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.
The current model of the library catalog as a self-contained destination where patrons must go to search for content dooms the catalog to a future of irrelevance and obscurity. We (librarians & ILS vendors) must re-imagine the catalog not as a destination but as a source for the highest-quality data, and then freely share that data with search engines and other applications using a wide range of current and future technologies and techniques. What’s beyond the next-gen catalog? What’s our future? | B304 Storytelling Tools on Multitouch Solutions 2:45 PM 3:30 PM Erik Boekesteijn, founder and director Doklab, Doklab ShanachieTour Jaap Van de Geer, Delft Public Library
Storytelling tools as designed by DOKLAB, an innovation lab and home of our speakers, also known as The Shanachies, are appealing, mostly digital, products and services that connect users, the providers of all sorts of stories (content). Storytelling tools make it easy and fun to find information, as well as collect and share stories both within and outside the library walls. These tools come in many shapes and forms, so come hear about these exciting new multitouch solutions. | General Conference Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Track C
Creative & Leading-Edge Practices
Learning from each other is a strong practice within the Internet Librarian com munity, and this series of presentations shares exciting new strategies, practices techniques, and more. Join us and take home lots of insights, ideas, and innova tions you can replicate. | Moderated by Helene Blowers, Community Manager, OCLC
| C301 Inno'play'ion in Libraries 10:30 AM 11:15 AM Helene Blowers, Community Manager, OCLC
Are you seeking inspiration for some new models and practices to ignite your library services and community? Is your organization ready to move beyond implementing best practices to develop your own fresh practices but feel stuck in old paradigm thinking? You are not alone. Join Blowers in exploring the intersection of “innovation” and “play” and discover some new ways to apply technology and think about libraries, services, and knowledge sharing. Create an inno”play”ion spark to jump-start your thinking. | C302 Strengthening Community, Enhancing Library Services 11:30 AM 12:15 PM Pilar Martinez, Executive Director, Public Services, Edmonton Public Library Moe Hosseini-Ara, Director, Culture, City of Markham Markham Public Library Linda Garvin, Chair, Community Led Service Philosophy Team, Edmonton Public Library
EPL embarked on an ambitious process to implement a community-led service framework reflecting its commitment to meeting customer needs and reducing barriers. It recruited 13 community librarians and transitioned more traditional librarian roles to a community-led focus. Hear stories of how EPL has made a difference within the community. The second presentation illustrates how rearranging a public library to be more like a bookstore grabbed community attention. | Lunch Break - A Chance to Visit the Exhibits 12:15 PM 1:30 PM
| C303 Building a Think Tank @ Your Library 1:30 PM 2:30 PM Jason A. Clark, Digital Initiatives Librarian, Head of Digital Access and Web Services, Montana State University Libraries Gretchen Caserotti, Assistant Director for Public Services, Darien Library Nancy MacKenzie, Customer Service Manager, Calgary Public Library Lisa Hardy, Manager, West Sector, Calgary Public Library
Innovation and new services can come from all levels of your organization. First, learn how a public and academic library create structures of participation ranging from brown bag talks to dedicated working groups to drive new services and create beta projects. Clark talks about the creation of an emerging technologies think tank at Montana State University Library. Caserotti shares her experience running Tech Bites, staff-led technology training lunches at Darien Library. Come see how you might create these structures of participation. The CPL team shares how their Future Action Team (FAT) was established to support the development of organizational change champions and to provide opportunities for emerging leaders to influence the library’s strategic direction. | C304 Web Services: Libraries in the Cloud 2:45 PM 3:30 PM Andrew K Pace, Executive Director, Networked Library Services, OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. Larry Haight, Director of Libraries, Simpson University Robin Hartman, Director, Library Services, Hope International University
By moving routine tasks (like acquisitions and circulation) to the web, libraries are able to share infrastructure costs and resources, as well as collaborate in new ways and without the restrictions of local hardware and software. Hear how libraries are using web services and the impact it is having on their libraries. | General Conference Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Track D
Organizations are shifting their structures to deal with the changing technology, demographics, and economics. This track focuses on building support, social media strategies, tips for getting things done, and using data for library success. | Moderated by Deb Hunt, Library Director, Mechanics' Institute & Principal, Information Edge
| D301 Building Support for Change & Customer Relationships 10:30 AM 11:15 AM Christina de Castell, Director, Resources & Technology, Vancouver Public Library Tommy Armstrong, Senior Systems Analyst and Information Architect, Texas A&M University Libraries Doug Hahn, Senior IT Manager, Texas A&M University Libraries
Hear how VPL is increasing technology training, providing more computers, and leading support of electronic resources and ebooks during a difficult budget climate. Their secret — a highly collaborative process, public consultation, evaluation, and experimentation to successfully transform a low-use, print-based environment into a technology-focused learning space. Find out the surprises from patrons, what worked and what didn’t, and learn what you can apply to public technology training and support. Then hear how Texas A&M University Libraries replaced its homegrown “help desk” problem tracking system of more than 10 years with SugarCRM, an enterprise class open source customer relationship management platform. As service organizations, libraries are especially sensitive to customer feedback, relationships, and keeping their fingers on the pulse of customer needs. Learn what factors drove the decisions to go with a CRM for the libraries’ internal customers, how buy-in was achieved, experiences so far, and plans for the future. | D302 Social Media Strategy & Goals 11:30 AM 12:15 PM David Lee King, Digital Services Director, Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library and Publisher,
Organizations are great at starting new online projects ... and then letting them quickly die. Do you know how to plan, sustain, and set goals for an online project? This session describes the planning processes used by several different libraries — how they plan, create strategy, get buy-in, and sustain a social media project. | Lunch Break - A Chance to Visit the Exhibits 12:15 PM 1:30 PM
| D303 Getting Things Done - Tips & Tricks 1:30 PM 2:30 PM R. Niccole Westbrook, Coordinator of Digital Operations, Digital Services Department, University of Houston Libraries Sarah Houghton, Director, San Rafael Public Library Colleen S. Harris, Head of Access Services, University of Tennessee Chattanooga
This panel shares tips and techniques for accomplishing the many task and challenges that libraries face. Westbrook describes how a small staff with ambitious plans tripled their workforce and implemented robust project tracking workflows — all without spending a cent by creating an online management system (OMS) that harnesses freely available Web 2.0 tools to collaboratively manage a rotating pool of library school interns. Houghton-Jan, an expert in project persuasion, shares useful tricks for getting technology projects past intractable committees, grumpy bosses, anti-technology supervisors, and change-resistant staff, as well as Jedi mind tricks, psychological gambits, and convincing arguments that you too can use to get stuff done. Harris addresses best practices for using the internet to develop accountability factors for your library — goal setting, project management, and creating an organizational culture of transparency. | D304 Using Data for Library Success 2:45 PM 3:30 PM Greg Syferd, Systems Administration Manager, Information Technology, Columbus Metropolitan Library Wendy Turner, IT Business Analyst, Columbus Metropolitan Library
With today’s limited resources and increasing demand for services, it’s more important than ever that libraries think like a business. One of the best ways to do this is using the information already available, in the form of data, whether it’s stored on a computer system, entered into a spreadsheet, or handwritten. Business intelligence (BI) provides the key decision makers in the organization with the data they need, when they need it, and in a format that enables quick decisions. BI utilizes technology and processes to gather, analyze, and present data that can be used to support operational and strategic decision making. BI can tell you how the organization is performing today and provide insight into how it could look in the future. Learn how the Columbus Metropolitan Library (CML) is utilizing BI to control costs, improve service to customers, and better utilize resources. The presenters will discuss the concepts and technologies of BI and show examples of how BI has streamlined its decision making process. | General Conference Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Track E
Content Management
Content is one of the major assets of libraries and this track focuses on digital content tools, data curation and preservation, as well as rights and licensing. | Moderated by Richard P. Hulser, Chief Librarian, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
| E301 Digital Content Tools: Thesaurus & Folksonomies 10:30 AM 11:15 AM Aubrey Madler, Information Specialist, Rural Assistance Center (RAC) Melissa Rosales, Information Specialist, TBWA\Chiat\Day Andrew Carlos, STEM & Web Services Librarian, California State University, East Bay
Are you starting a digital library project? Are you interested in taxonomies and folksonomies? Whether you’re digitizing historical photographs, creating subject guides, or organizing your library’s blog, building a thesaurus is an investment that will help your users find what they need. The first presentation discusses how a well-designed thesaurus can drive browsing and searching, display cross-references, help populate metadata, and highlight popular content. It provides tips for using the words your users prefer by bridging the taxonomy-folksonomy gap. The second presentation showcases bookmarking alternatives, such as, ZooTools, Folkd, Knowledge Plaza, Diigo, etc., and talks about the issues of social tag implementation, taxonomy-based tags, and how to guide users on how to generate better tags. These findings are based on social tag content management experience from an online social network. Join our knowledgeable speakers to learn some tips and tricks for creating a controlled vocabulary that will grow with your project. | E302 Making a Case for CMS! 11:30 AM 12:15 PM Ken Varnum, Web Systems Manager, Library Information Technology, University of Michigan Library Nina McHale, Web Developer, Digital Services, Arapahoe Library District
Making a convincing case to change from non- or lightly-managed web sites to a content management system (CMS) can seem daunting. However, you can build a strong case that will help convince administration of the benefits of CMSs. In this talk, two librarians who manage large public and internal websites at the University of Michigan and the University of Colorado Denver give you all of the ammo you need! Gain insight on why having a CMS is better than not having one and why an open source CMS tool (such as Drupal and MediaWiki) are viable, functional, and efficient solutions. Audience participation in the form of group therapy will be encouraged! | Lunch Break - A Chance to Visit the Exhibits 12:15 PM 1:30 PM
| E303 Data Management, Preservation, Curation, & Repositories 1:30 PM 2:30 PM Christie Peters, Science & Engineering Librarian, University of Houston Robin Dasler, Science and Mathematics Librarian, University of Houston Anita R. Dryden, Digital & Web Projects Fellow, Unviersity of Houston Libraries Susan Chesley Perry, Head of Digital Initiatives, University Library, University of California, Santa Cruz William Gunn PhD, Head, Academic Research, Mendeley Ltd
The management, preservation, and curation of research data is one of the hottest topics in librarianship today. Peters and Riley discuss their assessment of current data curation practices and grant-related data management plan preparedness on the part of their university researchers, identify the types and volume of data produced by research grants as well as specific technologies, metadata schemas, and archiving practices that are in use on campus. They hope this is a first step towards creating a centralized solution for managing and preserving research data in conjunction with other campus units. Perry discusses digital preservation strategies and curation flows. Gunn contributes to the data curation discussion and talks about embedding institutional data into the researcher's workflow, and the effect of design and usability work on tool usage. | E304 Digital Content Frustration: Copyright, Licensing, & DRM 2:45 PM 3:30 PM Sarah Houghton, Director, San Rafael Public Library
Digital content licensing is confusing at best for consumers and for library purchasers. Authors, musicians, and filmmakers create content, and people want to consume that content. In the middle, though, are publishers and content aggregators which add rules of use to digital content that differ from the rules of use for the same content in a physical format. How can libraries successfully navigate this web of difficulty and advocate for our users? This session covers the basics of copyright law as it applies to digital content as well as the impact of licensing/terms and conditions from different content providers and publishers. Find out how all of this legalese affects the implementation of digital rights management technology on both consumer and library licensed digital content. You will also learn a bit about piracy and resources for breaking digital rights management for legal backup copies. Come away with a toolkit to explain complicated rules to coworkers and users. | CLOSING KEYNOTE Gamification: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly 3:45 PM 4:30 PM Elizabeth Lane Lawley, Director, RIT Lab for Social Computing, Rochester Institute of Technology
“Gamification” is a hot new term in business and tech circles these days, and you can find as many people vilifying as praising it. What does it really mean to “gamify” something? What value can this increasing focus on game mechanics in nontraditional contexts bring, and what risks accompany it? Lawley talks about this phenomenon, sharing experiences from past and current game design efforts she’s been involved in. |