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Conferences > Computers in Libraries 2012
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March 21 - 23, 2012
Hilton Washington
Washington, DC
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C103 – Creative Ideas, Insights, & Trends: Innovation to Go

Wednesday, March 21, 2012
1:30 PM – 2:30 PM
, Principal, Chris Olson & Associates
, Director, Library, National Geographic Society

Creating and maintaining a continuously fruitful innovation pipeline can be hampered by resources and time. Scanning other industries for innovative ideas is one approach, not new, but who takes the time to do industry scans consistently looking for innovative products and initiatives? Olson explores current ideas and trends in other service industries that hold the potential for sparking change in library, information and knowledge management services. National Geographic’s Library lost nine of its 26 staff positions and 40% of its budget in the economic downturn. Moving forward under these difficult conditions required the inspiration and engagement of every person on staff. They sought to maximize their value by exploring new opportunities to support the organization. Ferry shares their innovation successes — and some frustrations — in this journey.

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