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ONLINE SEARCHER: Information Discovery, Technology, Strategies


Volume 43, Number 3 - May/June 2019


Page 4
I believe that information professionals do work similar to what librarians do but push beyond some of the barriers intrinsic in the word "librarian."
By Marydee Ojala
The Searcher's Viewpoint
Page 46
Every year, it seems, the relevant consulting companies and the many nonprofit organizations that are cavorting in the broad field of technology and the digital world simply go over their previous reports to update, reformulate, or slightly refresh their (old) trends.
By Rafael Ball


Page 5
Industry News
Page 8
Search Engine Update
By Greg R. Notess
Page 48
Conference Corral
Platforms, Pipelines, and Polemics at the Academic Publishing in Europe Conference


Page 10
Whether it's asking for directions to the closest fast food joint, ordering from Amazon Prime, or researching medical topics, AI assistants Siri and Alexa add a new dimension to traditional views of search. Sometimes voice search is ideal, but it raises questions about convincing researchers to use complex search strategies and privacy concerns.
By Reina Williams
Page 16
Librarians Assisting Scholarly Publishing: Websites to Watch
The world has changed when it comes to scholarly publishing. Researchers now have to consider tools for editing, proofreading, and promoting their work. Alternative publishing models, particularly those championing open access, affect publishing decisions and processes.
By Barbie E. Keiser
Page 22
Patent searching has always had its unique quirks. But the advent of enhanced search systems has caused fundamental changes in searcher behavior. Longtime patent searcher Thomas Wolff finds his personal productivity has increased and sees a future with alternatives to text term searches.
By Thomas E. Wolff
Page 30
Research Through Google Lens
At first glance, Google Lens seems to be strictly a consumer product. But does it have potential for professional searchers? Sophia Guevara and Senovia Guevara explore some use cases for libraries.
By Sophia Guevara, Senovia Guevara
Page 35
Time to Rethink How Our Users Handle Content and Search
Drawing on his experience searching various business databases, Roger Magnus concludes that information professionals should talk less about search and more about content. Knowing sources can be a more efficient approach than teaching search strategies.
By Roger Magnus
Page 40
Evaluation Skills for an Evolving Information Ecosphere
Evaluation is a core competency for librarians and other information professionals. Devar advocates understanding how traditional evaluation criteria, usually developed for judging articles and websites, can be adapted to other information types.
By Georgina Devar


Internet Express
Page 51
Conformity Is the New Black: The Next Phase of Technology and the Internet
Has the internet become bland? Have social media options become so similar, only the company logos tell users which product they are using? Carly Lamphere makes a case for how the tech landscape has become homogenized and addresses whether there is any way out.
By Carly Lamphere
InfoLit Land
Page 55
The Horizon Report and Information Literacy
Information literacy expert Badke looks at the latest Horizon Report and finds mentions of an ill-defined "digital literacy" rather than a concentration on information literacy. He believes that digital literacy should be folded into information literacy and looks forward to future reports with more emphasis on information literacy.
By William Badke
The Dollar Sign
Page 58
Exploring Environmental, Social, and Governance Metrics for Responsible Investing
The desire of investors to put their money where their values are has resulted in ratings and rankings of companies and mutual funds based on ESG: environmental, social, and governance data. Corporate responsibility features ever more prominently in the investment world, resulting in more coverage in online databases.
By Marydee Ojala
Hard Copy
Page 61
Recommended Reading on Community Building Through Twitter, Accessible Library Websites, Internet Power Searching, and Data Librarianship
By Jennifer A. Bartlett
Online Spotlight
Page 64
Bonsai Research
Search guru Mary Ellen Bates sees parallels between bonsai gardeners, who create miniature versions of trees through careful cultivation, meticulous pruning, and infinite patience, and online searches on niche topics.
By Mary Ellen Bates


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