Volume 45, Number 5 - September/October 2021
EDITORIALFrontLines Page 4 Irony in the online search and the library worlds is not limited to changing—and actually disappeared—URLs. By Marydee Ojala DEPARTMENTSPage 7 Search Engine Update Page 31 Conference Corral SLA Europe Reflects, Redesigns, Reboots FEATURESPage 10 Researching Native Americans: Reflections on Vocabulary, Search Strategies, and Technology A team of business, science, and Indigenous studies librarians, plus an Indigenous scholar, updated a 1994 article on researching Native Americans. Their findings reveal some striking changes in understanding the full gamut of terms relevant to Indigenous peoples, which reflect historical fluctuations. Earlier subject headings stemmed from a colonial, non-Indigenous perspective. while more modern language introduces new terms to be considered when building a comprehensive search strategy. By Alexander Soto, A. Brave Heart Sanchez, Jeanette M. Mueller-Alexander, Joyce Martin Page 20 Most lawmakers do not come from a scientific/technical educational background, yet our emerging digital economy requires policy makers to understand technology. Barbie Keiser lays out the basic issues and suggests what the information professional approach to each situation would be. By Barbie E. Keiser Page 26 Democratizing Government Data In the wake of government data disappearance, which started in the U.S. in 2017, librarians gained an increased awareness of the fragility of data. Free access to information is key to a democratic society and central to the ethos of librarianship. Nancy Herther explores options for data preservation and public access. By Nancy K. Herther COLUMNSInternet Express Page 33 Deepfakes Revisited: How Technology Transformations Pose New Challenges Realizing how rapidly the technology has advanced for voice and video manipulation since she last wrote about it in a 2018 column, Carly Lamphere takes a deep dive into deepfakes. She looks at what now can be done, or done better, to trick even the most savvy online user and the tools that can unmask bogus and fraudulent multimedia offerings. By Carly Lamphere InfoLit Land Page 36 The Comrade Detective in the title of Bill Badke's column refers to a 2017 television series purportedly filmed in Romania in the 1980s. As a metaphor for the power of shared beliefs and a warning about cultural filters, it has interesting lessons regarding information literacy and siloed information. By William Badke Technology and Power Page 39 Moving beyond the digital revolution, librarians are now confronting the Fourth Industrial Revolution, thinks Bohyun Kim. She sees the lines between the physical, the digital, and the biological spheres becoming blurred. Implications regarding virtual, augmented, and mixed reality will affect the future of libraries. By Bohyun Kim Metrics Mashup Page 42 The Revamped Journal Citation Reports: Are More Metrics Better Metrics? Elaine Lasda investigates Clarivate's changes to its Journal Citation Reports (JCR). She finds the policy clarifications and additional transparency admirable, but has some questions about whether more metrics are, in fact, better when librarians are assessing impact factors of journals. By Elaine M. Lasda Hard Copy Page 45 Recommended Reading on Library Leadership, User Experience, Information Literacy, and Support Staff Basics By Jennifer A. Bartlett Online Spotlight Page 48 Are You Research-Literate? Given the diminished meaning of the word "research," which people now use to describe trivial web searches, Mary Ellen Bates has given up using it to describe what she does. By Mary Ellen Bates