D304 – Community Impact: Tactics & RecognitionWednesday, April 9, 2014 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM Michele Farrell,
Senior Library Program Officer, Grants to States Program, Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) Kimber Fender,
CEO, Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County Candace Main Rush,
Library Media Specialist, Park View High School Library Media Center Sweeney teaches attendees about some of the latest tools and techniques that SuperPACs use across the country to influence elections and advocate for their agendas. He shares how to use these tools and techniques to advocate for libraries, build a coalition of library supporters, market library services, and better inform the general populace about the importance of the library. Then hear from winners of the IMLS National Medal for Museum and Library Service for excellent service to their communities about ways they use technology to engage their communities, as well as some of their leading-edge practices. From AfterSchool Edge stations to help reduce summer learning loss in math to internet safety lessons for students, these libraries share perspectives on channeling technology to further their work as community anchors.
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