Beyond Google
The Importance of Orphan Works and Section 108 Reform to Information Professionals
Matthew Dames addresses how litigation involving Google Book Search, as
well as orphan works and Section 108, will impact the way the
information profession will use, copy, and access information for a
long time to come. |
Page 21 |
Around the Fundraising Campfire 
Stories of Dismal Failure, Near Misses, and Great Success
Hogan shares her experiences of reeling in philanthropic donations and
how getting a single bite can involve years of carefully setting out
the lure.
Page 25 |
CrossRef at the Crossroads
that CrossRef has become the “King Kong” of digital library linking,
Jill Grogg and Beth Ashmore preview what lies ahead for it.
Page 32 |
The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth
Error and Misinformation in Media
Berinstein examines some of the issues surrounding media
misinformation, which range from missing graphics and misnumbered pages
to factual errors and damaging secrets. She explores the effects these
errors have on society, and how these errors should be — but often are
not — handled.
Page 38 |
All the Right Numbers
Strategies for Locating Industry Sales
you need to provide industry sales statistics for clients or patrons?
Marc Vinyard shows searchers how to pull relevant figures out of
profiles and forecasts from Datamonitor, EIU, Standard & Poor’s,
TableBase, and Euromonitor, as well as from government and trade
association sites.
Page 54 |
Searcher's Voice 
discusses subscription-based services, how some come up short when it
comes to addressing end-user needs, and what can be done to rectify it. |
Page 4 |
The Better Mousetrap
McBride Felter reviews DynaMed, a database of clinically organized
summaries written by health professionals for the rapid-response needs
of those on the healthcare frontlines.
Page 8 |
Internet Express
some background on personal video-sharing? Irene McDermott provides
sites to check out for all aspects of the hottest Web phenom, which is
an offshoot of social networking.
Page 16 |
Kudos about Katrina article; more on Herb White.
Page 62 |
the postal and electronic addresses, phone and fax numbers for all the
companies, products, and people mentioned in this issue.
Page 63 |