Who Cares About Whois?
a TCP-based query/response protocol used to determine the owner of a
domain name, IP address, or an autonomous system number on the
Internet, is being reassessed. Wallace Koehler tells Searcher readers why they should care and how privacy issues could be altered, for good and bad.
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Citations and Aberrations
in today’s “Webbed-up” world, bibliographic citations can be a messy
problem. Nick Tomaiuolo, an instruction librarian well-versed on the
subject, offers the best resources for learning — and teaching — proper
online citation methods.
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Online Social Networks, Virtual Communities, Enterprises, and Information Professionals
Part 1. Past and Present
In the first of three articles that will explore the history and growth of online social networks and what this growth means
to info pros, Mike Reid and Christian Gray explain the phenomenon of social networking, look at its origins, and define terms.
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Open Access
The Yellow Brick Road, Its Walls, and Speed Bumps
a complex time for those seeking and those publishing STM information.
As Miriam Drake reports, the issue of open access is still unresolved
with attempts to create new models of profit-generation still being
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Searcher's Voice
A Great Idea!

As the popularity of Google Custom Search Engines (CSEs) grows, bq
calls librarians to arms to create a CSE network of their very own. |
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Internet Express
Entertainment Advisory: Book, Movie, and Television Reviews and News on the Web
If you’re an entertainment junkie, you’ll love Irene McDermott’s
“Entertainment Advisory,” in which she tells you where to go for book,
movie, and television reviews, as well as the latest show biz news. |
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LibraryThing.com: The Holy Grail of Book Recommendation Engines
Starr, who heads up a book club, reviews LibraryThing.com and shows why
it is considered the Holy Grail of book recommendation engines and the
bibliophile’s best friend.
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The Sidebar
The High Risk of Free: State Law on the Web
Carol Ebbinghouse takes a look at free state law information available on the Web — and, in general, it ain’t pretty!
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the postal and electronic addresses, phone and fax numbers for all the
companies, products, and people mentioned in this issue. |
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