Evolving in New Directions
Speaker Session(s) |
[Click on session title to view details.]
Enid Costley, Children's and Youth Services Consultant, Library of Virginia
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| Education: BS in Elementary Education and Special Education (major in Learning Disabilities and minor in Behavioral Disorders). MLS, with emphasis in Children and Youth Services and Special Populations. At Library of Virginia, I am currently working with the Virginia Department of Education on a data merging project to show the impact of summer reading. I have coordinated the creation of seven four-week online training courses for public library staff. Topics include Early Literacy, Youth Services, Bilingual Storytimes, Libraries and Autism. Worked with several agencies to provide the DaybyDayVa.com, a family literacy website, to people in Virginia. We are currently working on a Spanish version of the website. |
Sessions by
Enid Costley | Tuesday
8:00 AM – 8:45 AM
Engaging the Young | Wednesday
10:30 AM – 11:15 AM
E301: Rethinking Digital Literacy for All Ages |
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