March 21 - 23, 2012
Hilton Washington
Washington, DC
F101 – Unleashing the Power of Your PeopleWednesday, March 21, 2012 10:30 AM – 11:15 AM The power of the crowd can be applied to any group with the need to self-organize or self-educate. Unleash the potential in your own library or organization to become an innovator when it comes to the training and the education of your staff and your community. In a time when few libraries and organizations can afford to train staff, this session illustrates using audience participation how to encourage your own crowds to train themselves. It demonstrates how to nurture an innovative learning environment in which the content is created by the community for the community and discusses many different applications of the unconference learning environment, facilitation styles for different learning needs and groups, technology that can enhance the growth of your learning environment, obstacles to this type of learning and how to overcome them, and how to maintain this type of learning for a self-sustainable community.
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