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Conferences > Computers in Libraries 2010
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North America’s Largest Technology Conference & Exhibition for Librarians and Information Managers
Computers in Libraries 2010
April 12 - April 14, 2010
Hyatt Regency Crystal City
2799 Jefferson Davis Highway • Arlington, VA
Computers in Libraries Celebrates 25 Years of Conferences
Final ProgramFinal Program [PDF]Conference at a Glance [PDF]
SpeakersExhibitor ListPresentations
CIL 2010 WikiCIL2010 at LibConf.comInternet@Schools
Previous CIL Conferences

Follow the Computers in Libraries speakers on Twitter (itishows/cil2010speakers)

Speaker Session(s)
[Click on session title to view details.]
Alexander Cohen, Library Planner, Aaron Cohen Associates, LTD LITA, SLA, LLAMA

Alex received his MLS at Long Island University and has a B.S. from the University of Arizona. He has worked as a library planner for 10 years, augmenting his parents' (Aaron and Elaine Cohen’s) extensive research on library space planning and design. Before joining ACA, Alex was an IT consultant and program manager for 15 years. He has produced software programs and designs, global technology solutions, IT integration and project management services. He can provide first-hand guidance on how to model the future based on adapting service responses. Details about Aaron Cohen Associates and their extensive experience are available on line at

Sessions by Alexander Cohen
Thursday   04-15-2010   1:30 PM – 4:30 PM   W24: Digital Library Learning Spaces

Tuesday Evening Sponsor

Media Sponsors:    
Computers in Libraries Information Today ONLINE Magazine
Searcher Magazine Multimedia & Internet@Schools Magazine Learning Partner:

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