As libraries embark on another year of restrictions and restructuring, we continue to explore ways to meet our customers and communities wherever they are. Within the immediate future, we see library offerings continuing to be virtually reimagined. With so many library patrons stuck at home it is more important than ever to ensure that your library's digital resources are easily accessible in a unified and intuitive way. Aspen Discovery is the best tool to get that content in the hands of your patrons with the least amount of barriers.

Show your patrons that even if your doors are closed, you are still working just as hard as an integral part of the community. New materials are still being processed, virtual programs are still available, on-demand reference is still accessible and digital resources you are subscribed to are still valuable. Join us as we show how Aspen allows for all of these key offerings to be available in one easy to access and attractive interface.
Click here to view the webinar Boost Patron Engagement Even During a Pandemic.
Join us for this free, on-demand, 60-minute event.