Spring Fever
by Brandi Scardilli
I have always liked the saying about March that goes, “In like a lion, out like a lamb.” It gets me through the last few weeks of snow and ice because I’m reminded that soon I’m about to see an explosion of color (so much green!) from the flowers and trees. Spring is such a beautiful time in southern New Jersey, where Information Today’s offices are located. The days get longer, the weather gets warmer, and the cliche rings true: The world seems all shiny and new.
New things are always happening in the information industry. We’re here to make sure you get the scoop on a variety of initiatives, resources, and tools. Terry Ballard got a behind-the-scenes tour of Digital Science’s platform, Dimensions, which improves scholarly research by surfacing previously hidden content in results lists. Check that out on page 1. On page 6, Barbie Keiser shares the potential changes to federal agency Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) operations. On page 20, Gwen Gregory reviews R. David Lankes’ treatise on his New Librarianship model. On page 22, Lauree Padgett examines two problem-solving products—one for communication during a crisis and another for voice generation and manipulation.
And since spring is coming, maybe you’ll want to try a new activity. Anthony Aycock makes the case for getting addicted to audiobooks on page 1. And get some intel from librarians for your Oscars betting pool, also on page 1.  |