Hang in There
by Brandi Scardilli
When I attended the virtual U.S. Book Show in May, book banning and book challenges dominated the conversation. Presenters shared disconcerting stories of groups showing up at school and library board meetings spewing hate. Authors urged participants to read and share banned and challenged books. During one of the sessions, the news broke from The Washington Post that only 11 people were responsible for the majority of book removal filings, and the mood turned grim. But there was some encouragement and hope going around too. Those on the ground are going to keep fighting, because as one presenter said, there’s no other option. Library workers have a lot of allies—and each other—to lean on. Learn more about the U.S. Book Show starting on page 12. On page 28, Mick O’Leary looks at one of the sites that book banners are using to recruit others to their cause. On page 16, Anthony Aycock discusses the importance of reminding the censorship mongers exactly what libraries are all about. A loud minority is causing real harm, and there’s no telling how long it will be until they run out of steam. Take care of yourself—Lauree Padgett has some tips for that on page 6.  |
Brandi Scardilli is Editor of Information Today and Newsbreaks. Send your comments about this article to itletters@infotoday.com.