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Conferences > Computers in Libraries 2014
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E304 – Digital Stewardship

Wednesday, April 9, 2014
2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
, Digital Archivist, Office of Strategic Initiatives, Library Of Congress
, Digital Archivist, Library of Congress
, Digital Archivist, Library Of Congress

The National Agenda for Digital Stewardship annually integrates the perspective of dozens of experts and hundreds of institutions, convened through the Library of Congress, to identify the highest-impact opportunities to advance the state of the art, the state of practice, and the state of collaboration within the next 3–5 years. The document highlights emerging technological trends, identifies gaps in digital stewardship capacity, and provides funders and decision-makers with insight into the work needed to ensure that today’s valuable digital content remains accessible and comprehensible in the future, supporting a thriving economy, a robust democracy, and a rich cultural heritage. Come hear about the challenges and opportunities related to digital preservation activities.

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