C103 – Moving Ideas ForwardMonday, April 7, 2014 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM Computers in Libraries conferences are full of great ideas to help libraries innovate. However, moving ideas to reality is complicated: Librarians must balance strategic priorities, patron needs and (most of all) time constraints. Leveraging theories from the Lean Startup and Agile Development, Liebhardt shows that libraries can build sustainably innovative organizations through constant learning. Rather than writing plans or holding whiteboard sessions, try building a simple, basic product or service and measure if it solves patrons' problems. Once the prototype is in front of people, get customer insights to make adjustments. Liebhardt shares project management tools that show librarians the discipline to be honest about measuring progress, setting up milestones and prioritizing work. Stephens, who was at last year’s CIL, left, like a lot of others did, with a glowing need to use Raspberry Pis in his library. But, when faced with actually doing something practical and getting the library administration on board, he was stumped. He shares some of the ideas he came up with, discusses how he sold the ideas to the higher-ups, and then helps start a discussion of ideas that other attendees have tried—whether they were successes or not! Computers in Libraries is full of cutting-edge ideas, use tips, and tools from speakers and colleagues to help you move them to the real world.
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