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Conferences > Computers in Libraries 2013
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Computers in Libraries 2013
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C104/C105 – Libraries, Archives & Museums: Collaboration on a Large Scale

Monday, April 8, 2013
3:15 PM – 5:00 PM
, Smithsonian Institution; Open Knowledge Foundation; Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR)
, Researcher/Project manager, Collections and Research, Statens Museum for Kunst
, Senior advisor and business architext, Danes' Digital Library (DDL)

Libraries, archives, and museums are respected in their communities, but is it enough? Edson discusses how they need to cultivate, catalyze, spread, and generally be a vector for increasing peoples’ day-to-day commitments to their communities and their causes, in other words, social entrepreneurship. By working together, their collaborative activities can scale and have an even greater impact. Be prepared for some radical thinking and strategies! Following Edson, are some real-world examples of where our future lies. Like libraries, all museums want to go mobile, but often their money and efforts are thrown after bespoke systems and native apps that look good on paper but fail to meet actual user needs, then are labor-intensive and expensive to sustain after launch. Instead of building silos, SMK has initiated a collaborative pilot project between nine Danish art museums to come up with a shared, sustainable mobile platform. Hear how the concept as well as content is co-created with users to encourage users to participate and share their own views on art and to ensure that the multilingual platform fulfills actual user needs. Then hear about the Danes’ Digital Library, a joint infrastructure, a purchasing partnership, and an organizational framework. The partnership includes the purchasing of web-based materials, management of metadata, operation and development of technical infrastructure, ebooks, data repositories, library automations systems, curation, shared data, and more.

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