The International Internet Conference and Exhibition for Librarians & Information Managers
29-31 March 1999 • Olympia 2 • London, UK

• PostConference • 
Wednesday, 31 March - Thursday, 1 April

All workshops take place at the Novotel Hammersmith

Workshop 6
13:30 - 16:30
Advanced Internet Searching Beyond the Web: News, Email, Usenet, and More
Greg Notess, Reference Librarian, Montana State University, Bozeman Library & author of Government Information on the Internet, USA

Beyond the Web indexes, other free Internet databases offer a wealth of additional information resources. This half-day workshop describes some of these databases and covers techniques for searching them. It looks at sources for news, email addresses, opinion, technical help, and others. These under-utilized databases are important Internet information resources that can unearth answers not found in Web search engines. This workshop covers DejaNews, TotalNEWS, current awareness services, and more. It offers strategies for how and when to use these specialized databases. It explores the scope and depth of these resources, examines how partnerships have packaged the same data under different Internet brand names, and compares search features, paying particular attention to the strengths and weaknesses of each.

Workshop 8
13:30 - 16:30
Web Enabling Your Database
Jay Ven Eman, CEO, Access Innovations, USA
Heather de Pastino, Director, Administration, Marketing and Sales, Access Innovations, USA

This half-day workshop focuses on transforming legacy collections and databases into valuable HTML/XML databases for use on the WEB. It is aimed at librarians, publishers, and others with patrons and clients demanding WEB access, and developers of OPACs or commercial, information-rich products for the Internet. The workshop looks at assessing the nature of collections and databases, sizing the collection and analyzing the collection for conversion, as well as costing projects. It considers data stored on paper in facilities meant for protection, preservation, and circulation, digital collections that are stored in inaccessible electronic formats and targets the processes necessary to turn paper and currently inaccessible archives into valuable assets. Since SGML/HTML/ XML, DTDs, the intranet, the Web, and the network are important tools that can add significant value to your data, time is spent discussing standards. The major emphasis, however, is placed on analyzing and understanding your data (the stuff that makes up the content of your intranet and/or Web site), finding solutions to Web-enable it for easy access, and developing guidelines for a practical implementation plan. The workshop identifies key questions about your data and your objectives that must be addressed before, during, and after the conversion.

Workshop 9
13:30 - 16:30
Creating Web Pages
Linda Craney, Director, Prometheus, England

This half-day workshop is designed for information professionals interested in learning how to create and maintain their own Web pages. Does your department want to publish its own information via a company intranet? Or maintain its own content on a Web site? If so, this workshop is for you. Authoring tools have matured into sophisticated, easy-to-use applications that allow anyone to create effective, professional looking Web pages. The workshop uses Microsoft's FrontPage 98 to show how quickly and easily you can publish your own information and gather feedback from others visiting your site. It includes pointers on Web site management, design tips, and growing your Website.


PostConference • Thursday, 1 April 1999

All workshops take place at the Novotel Hammersmith

Workshop 10 (Full Day!)
09:00 - 16:30
Second Generation Intranet Development
Howard McQueen, McQueen Consulting and editor, IntraNet Professional, USA
Jean E. DeMatteo, McQueen Consulting, USA

This full-day workshop is designed for information professionals and content managers who need to manage Intranet content and want to build a dynamic site. Through case studies and examples, learn how successful libraries are initiating and managing: metadata initiatives to enhance information retrieval and Yahoo!-like browsing, full-text search engines and user-agent filters, Web-enabled databases to create dynamic content, collaborative applications that foster knowledge sharing, document management systems to manage large collections of dynamic and secure/sensitive content, and middleware products that can search multiple sites from a single search. The workshop is loaded with intranet products and ideas for second generation site management. Attendees will leave better prepared to: recognize opportunities for leveraging technology, effectively team with IS/IT personnel, and strategically position themselves to remain valuable in the marketplace.

Workshop 17
13:30 - 16:30
Web Management With or Without a Server
Roy Tennant, Digital Library Project Manager, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Peter Scott, Manager of Small Systems, University of Saskatchewan Library, Canada

Whether you have your own Web server or not, this workshop will give you some essential information on how to get your Web site up and keep it running. Advanced tips will be mixed in with basic information, so no matter what your Web management level you will likely find information of use to you. Tennant describes and demonstrates Web management issues for those with control over the Web server. Topics include data owner support, statistics, user tracking, server fault monitoring and prevention, and intelligent redirection. Scott discusses how librarians without access to servers can become Web managers by utilizing freely available Web services remotely. Topics to be covered include: accessing free Web space, running CGI and Javascripts including guestbooks, bulletin boards, counters, etc. All levels of experience are appropriate in this informative and interactive half-day workshop.

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