The International Internet Conference and Exhibition for Librarians & Information Managers
29-31 March 1999 • Olympia 2 • London, UK

Monday, 29 March 1999
Track A          Track B         Track C

Plenary Session
09:00 - 10:00

Keynote: The Magic of the Internet
by A Mystery Internet Pioneer

It is hard to imagine the world, especially the information world without the Internet and World Wide Web.  It is becoming ubiquitous, affecting how we live, work, communicate, learn and play.  Our Internet Pioneer reflects on the Net's development, his organizations strategies, and looks into the future to give us his view of the changing Internet landscape.

10:00 - 10:45
Coffee Break in the Exhibition Hall


With design, redesign, development, customization, training, team and content management responsibilities, as well as keeping up with the changing Web world, Webmasters have many challenges. Listen to the experiences, ideas and lessons learned from our expert Webmasters.

10:45 - 11:30
A1 • The Library Web Site in 1999:  A Virtual Trip to the Library
Monica Brinkley, Library, Dublin City University, Ireland

Increasingly the face of the library most familiar to customers is the librarys Web site including the ability to access library services via the Internet. The Library Web site can no longer merely serve as a marketing tool or library guide, nor simply as a gateway to Internet based resources. It is the virtual gateway to all of the Librarys services, providing the user with knowledge of and guides to services, as well as the ability to link directly to those services. This presentation discusses the implications and challenges for Library Webmasters, the current requirements for Web sites and some tips on seamlessly combining the mix of information and services.

11:45 - 12:30
A2 • Webmasters in Action
Bernadette Daly, Information Officer, Co-Editor of Ariadne & Exploit Interactive Web Magazines, UKOLN: UK Office for Library & Information Networking, England
David Kay, Strategic Development Director, Fretwell-Downing Informatics, England

Organisation and focus are critical in connecting people and information. Daly shares her tips and techniques for successful Web development and publishing, and takes you through the step-by-step development of a new Web magazine, Exploit Interactive. Kay discusses the major challenges and suggests some solutions for developing web portals and gateways, for using metadata, and for designing services for the Web.

12:30 - 14:30
Lunch Break

14:30 - 15:15
A3 • Usability Testing for the Web Site
Beth Phillips, WebLibrary Editorial Webmaster, Compaq Computer Corp., USA

Web site content is often seen as the most important factor for developing successful Web sites. Navigation and retrieval should be inseparable from content. Careful attention should be given to how potential clients are using (or trying to use) your Web site and the site should be designed and redesigned accordingly. Librarians and information professionals can employ simple and straightforward usability and human factors engineering principles to make their Web sites easier to use. This presentation focuses on intranet usability testing and provides examples of proven techniques.

15:15 - 16:00
Break • A Chance to Visit the Exhibition

Plenary Session
16:00 - 16:30
Public Libraries and the National Grid for Learning (NGfL)
Alan Howarth, CBE MP, Minister for the Arts, Department for Culture, Media and Sport, UK

Mr. Howarth will outline the Government's plans for having computers and the Internet in every school in the UK, finance available for public library authorities, and the Government's own use of the Internet.

16:45 - 17:30
A4 • Webmasters Roundtable
Moderator: Arnoud de Kemp, Director Sales/Marketing & Corporate Development, Springer Verlag, Germany
Panelists: Pieter A van Brakel, Dept of Information Studies, Rand Afrikaans University, South Africa
Sean Dreilinger, SavySearch Ltd., USA
William Hann, Managing Editor, Free Pint, England

Designers of library Web sites share their experiences and knowledge in this discussion of key components of successful sites. This lively panel of experts touches on requirements for Web sites, Web page design and creation issues, usage as well as the lessons they have learned from managing and running Web sites.

17:30 - 18:30
Reception in the Exhibition Hall

This track looks at providing library and information services in a new virtual environment as well as the role the internet plays in this process. It explores the challenges, decision-making, and case studies of libraries offering electronic services. Speakers from libraries in a variety of environments share their experiences in designing, developing, and delivering innovative virtual services.

10:45 - 11:30
B1 • Internet Service User Profiles
Mary L. McCarty, National Director, Secondary Research, Edelman Public Relations, USA
Sheila Webber, Dept of Information Science, University of Strathclyde, Scotland

Understanding the information gathering and usage patterns of clients is critical to libraries and information services. Speakers in this session provide statistics and research to help us understand some of our users and highlight ways of responding and designing services for them. McCarty focuses on the North American pattern of using multiple sources of information, including the Internet, while Webber describes how small businesses use the Internet to find business information.

11:45 - 12:30
B2 • Education via the Web
Pieter A. van Brakel, Dept. of Information Studies, Rand Afrikaans University, South Africa
D. Scott Brandt, Technology Training Librarian, Purdue University, USA

This session looks at the latest developments, challenges, and experiences in providing education and training via the Web. Not only do distance learning services need to be designed and delivered in a new way but the Web site must be designed to provide effective use of the services. Our speakers provide a look at how they educate via the Web in an academic environment and divulge their top secrets for success.

12:30 - 14:30
Lunch Break

14:30. - 15:15
B3 • EARL: Consortium for Public Library Networking
Susi Woodhouse, EARL Development Manager, England

The landscape for public libraries continues to change dramatically, and the transition to a networked world is under way. This presentation highlights the current public library scene and focuses on how the EARL Task Groups have been exploiting networking tools to build demonstrator electronic services to show whats possible. They have also developed partnerships to create a series of self-help issues papers and discussion forums for public library staff on aspects of working in a networked environment. Woodhouse describes how EARL is offering support services in the policy and strategy processes for public libraries.

15:15 - 16:00
Break • A Chance to Visit the Exhibition

16:45 - 17:30
B4 • Delivery of Electronic Information Services in a Global Environment
Tessa Bruce, Electronic Information Services Manager, British Council, England

The British Council information services promote Britain overseas and facilitate social, economic and cultural development. In addition to well-established lending libraries, the British Council runs specialised information centres and delivers proactive information to key contacts in 109 countries. Virtually all service points have access to the Internet, some have touch screen kiosks, provide cybercafe facilities or tailored current awareness services. This presentation focuses on Electronic Information Services development of innovative electronic services for worldwide access to the best of British ideas and expertise. It discusses issues related to remote management and implementation of electronic information services; technical, design and brand issues surrounding implementation in a global organisation; development of a secure electronic environment for end users to access local and remote resources.

17:30 - 18:30
Reception in the Exhibition Hall

As the premier tool for libraries at the moment, the Internet is being used in creative and exciting ways. This track features a selection of Internet Librarians in action. They describe their application, discuss the challenges and benefits, and share the lessons they have learned.

10:45 - 12:30
C1 • Web Collections: Issues and Solutions
Zsolt Silberer, Manager, Web Initiatives, ISI, USA
Emma Delaney, SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals R&D, England
Marjorie Hlava, Access Innovations, USA
Terry Noreault, OCLC, USA
(by arrangement with the Institute for Scientific Information)

The appearance of high-quality resource sites on the Internet prompted the library community to offer access to those resources through their own institutional home page. At some institutions, evaluation and selection of Web-based sites is being added to the bibliographic instruction track for library students. Some content providers have also recognized that their proprietary collections must contain pointers to Internet resources that are as much a part of the scholarly desktop as published primary literature.  The panel discusses the issues in developing a process used by both vendors and librarians to evaluate and filter content found on the Web for the purpose of linking to robust, high-quality information. Issues highlighted include: creation of a data structure, editorial guidelines and selection criteria, the use of agents and other automated tools, an indexing methodology and the creation of permanent universal resource locators (pURL), resource limitations of staff and time, the creation of a collection-development strategy for Internet materials, the creation of metadata for the specific document or database, and the cost of maintaining a catalogue resource of Web references that may or may not remain stable and/or current.

12:30 - 14:30
Lunch Break

14:30 - 15:15
C2 • Virtual Information Networks
Ann Wood, Co-ordinator of Electronic Library Resources, Kitchener Public Library, Canada
Sam Coghlan, CEO, Oxford County Library, Canada
CK Tan, President, Avita Technologies, Canada
Ontario, Canada is developing a province-wide network linking 1100 public library sites into one virtual library network. This presentation addresses the reasons behind the decision to go virtual and the factors influencing the implementation. Particular  emphasis is placed on: the private and public sector partnerships to fund, develop and implement the strategy; the partnership's development between the Federal, provincial and municipal levels of government; the governance models; the e-government, e-commerce and e-business Internet applications which are being developed for a sustainable project.

15:15 - 16:00
Break • A Chance to Visit the Exhibition

16:45 - 17:30
C3 • Web-Enabling Databases: Low Maintenance and High Performance
Eva Holtsmark, Information Specialist, O-Tech International, USA

Internet-enabled databases today make it possible to organize real-time data for instant retrieval worldwide without expensive, complex hardware, software, and telecommunications infrastructures. With access to the Internet and a browser, your clients can take advantage of the new breed of technology offering Web-based solutionsinexpensive, robust, secure, configurable, low maintenance Web-based technology solutions that deliver your information dissemination and retrieval strategies.  This session includes a discussion of the steps and software necessary to Web-enable your database and illustrates with a case study.

17:30 - 18:30
Reception in the Exhibition Hall

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