Intranet Professional
Volume 4 • Number 6
November/December 2001

IP View
Rebecca Jones, Editors - Intranet Professional

Hard to believe that Jane and I began editing IP exactly 2 years ago with the November/December 1999 issue. During the past several issues we've concentrated on providing some insight into the mysterious, murky world of intranets and portals from the content and client, rather than technology, perspective. There are many reputable publications and Web sites out there that explore the technology side of intranets, and we refer you to these in "Keeping Up." But as far as we are aware, this is still the only publication that focuses on intranets from the content and information professional's view.

That's why this issue features the article on intranet project management by information professionals Darlene Fichter and Frank Cervone, as well as Sandy Schlosser's case study of the Consumer Reports intranet. Like so many information professionals during the past 2 years, Darlene, Frank, and Sandy are willing to take the time to document and share their learnings in the collaborative, complex, and somewhat chaotic life of intranet developers and managers. They've been there, done it, survived it and now offer ideas, "do's," and "don'ts" to ease the process for the rest of us.

Cindy Ross Pederson, "Web Goddess," also provides helpful guidance about another area of intrigue for Web sites—writing and creating content. As she says, "The cry of the Web is short and simple," but writing a "sticky," high-value Web page is anything but simple. 

Writing this "IP View" isn't simple, either. This is the last issue of a tumultuous year for us all, and my last issue as co-editor; Jane will now be co-editing with an outstanding information professional, Mary Lee Kennedy. Mary Lee has been incredibly innovative with Web applications, content deployment, enterprise portal strategy, taxonomy and search services, as well as information services for many years. Jane and Mary Lee will ensure that IP continues to bring you the informative, insightful articles you value and that you deserve. As we look to 2002 with renewed hope and optimism, I wish all of you the very best.


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