Volume 8, Number 5 • May 2000
Teaching users to evaluate Internet sites: sources on sources
by LaJean Humphries

Discusses the fact that just because information is found on the Internet does not mean that it is current, correct, or reliable, and one must carefully evaluate the material found. Describes some bogus sites created by some Internet educators to demonstrate how easily Net logistics could allow others to deceive or propagate ludicrous errors. Examples include the Oklahoma Association of Wine Producers, which was created to illustrate the ease with which erroneous or false information may be distributed on the Internet; and the Mankato, MN, site, which enthuses over this delightful spot and pictures a woman sunbathing on a beach more reminiscent of Hawaii than Minnesota. Offers more sites under the heading "Is It a Law or a Hoax?" and other sites offering the Internet searcher checklists and tutorials. Concludes that a critical component of education is evaluation.
Internet & Personal Computing Abstracts   © 2000 Information Today, Inc.