Volume 8, Number 5 • May 2000
Y2Content - The Battle for the Desktop: NFAIS 2000 annual meeting
by Randall Marcinko

Focuses on the National Federation of Abstracting and Indexing Societies (NFAIS) 2000 annual meeting, titled "Y2Content: The Battle for the Desktop," held at the Four Seasons Hotel in Philadelphia, PA. Reports that Martin Kahn, managing director of Cadence Information Associates, opened the meeting with a keynote address centered on the 12 rules from Kevin Kelly's book, "New Rules for the New Economy." Says that Liz Pope, staff scientist, National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCIB), NIH, discussed PubMed Central, which is becoming a robust government service developed alongside the for-fee services of commercial publishers such as Elsevier and others. Explains that the old merge and the new emerge, and notes that the NFAIS meeting's participants turned out to be mostly people well aware that their existence is threatened by the Internet. Includes two photos and one sidebar.
Internet & Personal Computing Abstracts   © 2000 Information Today, Inc.