Volume 8, Number 6 • June 2000
D&B's Million Dollar Directory on the Internet (MDDI) and aggregator alternatives
by Amelia Kassel

WEB WISE WAYS column discusses The Million Dollar Database Series on the Internet (MDDI) from D&B, a collection of basic company profiles with executive biographies. Says it combines three of its print directories into one database. Details the content of the Million Dollar Database, "The D&B Reference Book of Corporate Managements," and Business Rankings. Notes that users can access WorldBase Linkage Locators at no extra cost. Describes the search options and results displays. Cautions that MDDI can only download records 100 at a time. Remarks on the data quality and integrity, and says that D&B has improved its update cycle. Notes that Primark recently announced the addition of the Million Dollar Directory Plus (MDD) to its services. Includes a table of prices for MDDI slices and for National Coverage. Mentions alternatives from The Gale Group, Dialog, and Thomson Financial. Includes two screen displays and two tables.
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