Search Engine
"search thousands of selected policy and political websites"
ABC News' Politics Page. 
This site is especially useful for presidential primary and election news including delegate counts and advertisements.'s Election 2000
Sponsored by CNN and Time Magazine, this site features America Votes, 2004 that includes information on polls, issues, timelines, and candidates.
Center for American Women and Politics
The CAWP is a uaffiliated with the Eagleton Institue of Politics at Rutgers University. The site tracks women candidates for congressional and state elctions, provides state by stae facts on women officeholders and data on the gender gap and voting patterns.
C-SPAN's Campaign 2004
Includes video archives a collection of past and present campaign tv ads, candidates position papers, and coverage of gubernatorial and congressional races.
CQ's Campaign & Elections Magazine
Congressional Quarterly's site features campaign news, "the Political Oddsmaker" and the "Rate your Rep" section, which includes Congressional incumbent biographies from Politics in America and other CQ publications.
Electoral College
Statistics on electoral college results, both past and present. Also includes a procedural guide, and relevant provisions of the constitution.
This website states it is working to bring ordinary people back into politics. It contains useful information for those who want to do grass roots organizing. However, it does contain anti-Bush material.
An extensive directory of political links created by a campaign memorabilia dealer.
Project Vote Smart's Vote Smart Web.
Sponsored by the nonprofit, nonpartisan Project Vote Smart, this unique site features selected incumbent voting records and ratings as well as extensive issue questionnaires filled out by most candidates. This site covers Presidential, Congressional and Gubernatorial elections. Also has sites to assist teachers to cover elections in classrooms.
State Election Offices
A hotlinked list of state election websites for each state.
United States Census Bureau
Information on reported voting and registration by various demographic and socioeconomic characteristics.
Washington Post's OnPolitics Elections 2004
Includes the latest news, polls, staus of campaign contributions and allows you to sign up for an e-mail alert service. Includes Post coverage of the 2000 and 2002races as well.
Campaign Finance Institute
Affiliated with george washington University in washington, D.C., the institute is a nonpartisan think tank established in 2000 to study campaign finance issues and to seel consensus on ways to improve the regulatory system. The site contains useful links to recent articles and studies, and summaries of the Bipartisan Campaign reform Act of 2002.
Center for Responsive Politics
The Online Source for Money in Politics Data." A wealth of  information from this non-partisan organization. Page features searchable databases of PACs, lobbyists, year 2004  Presidential Races, and "soft money,"  Site is also known as "Open Secrets
Hoover Institution, Campaign Finance site
The Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace was founded in 1919 and is affiliated with Stanford University. The site provides information on the history of campaign finance reform and pulls together the text of Supreme Cort decisions on the topic.
PoliticalMoneyLine (FECInfo)
Outside group that does studies on campaign finance trends and activity, including 527 organizations, facilitating more effective use of Federal Election Commission, Internal Revenue Service, and other data.
Created by former Federal Election Commission (FEC) employees, this easy-to-use site offers access to current official FEC data. The site provides current federal campaign finance information for candidates, parties, PACS and individual contributors.

Federal Election Commission.
This official site includes campaign finance information for all registered presidential and congressional candidates, parties, and PACS, an online version of the FEC's Citizens Guide to Contributions and the Law, and FEC news releases.


Official National Political Party Sites:
     Democratic National Committee
     Republican National Committee
Additional Political Party Sites (All include official and unofficial sites):
        3rd Party Central
 Here you will find information about the "third-party movement" in American politics.
   The premise is that eventually the current dominant parties will either shrink, or  fracture, and in their place Americans will have many major parties to choose from, each filling a different niche in a broad political spectrum. The purpose is to raise public awareness of the political alternatives, and to encourage participation in the democratic process. Includes a party matchmaking service where you can test your compatibility with different political parties.
The Hill
Includes the front page stories of the most recent print edition as well as the classified advertisements. Also contains a wide range of political commentary.
IDEA: Voter Turnout from 1945 to 1998 - A Global Report on Political Participation
The site contains information country by country on election turnout. Has information on such timely topcs as compulsory voting, and methods of counting votes.
Wayback Machine. Election Collection 2000.
A collection of 797 sites related to the 2000 election grouped into categories such as sitesby politcal party, news sites, and government sites.

The Political Graveyard
Maintained by a Political Science Department staffer at Michigan State University, this site takes data from the Biographical Directory of the American Congress and other sources to produce a database of deceased American politicians. Includes interesting  lists of examples, such as "Politicians who died at the U.S. Capitol" and "Politicians who were killed in duels."