Volume 16, Number 6 • June 1999
iVillage creates Web global village — This online community is emerging as the `Holy Grail of the Internet'
by Mick O'Leary

DATABASE REVIEW column discusses iVillage.com: The Women's Network, from iVillage Inc. of New York, NY (212). Says that the Web community covers a wide range of women's interests, including parenting, careers, homemaking, health, and money, offering concise and practical information. Notes that the communications features comprise the Web site's primary attraction for users. Indicates that there are hundreds of relevant, active bulletin boards on the site that are easy to access and participate in. Reports that iVillage.com is supported entirely by advertisers eager to have access to the site's user group, comprised of women in the 20-50 age group with common personal, family, and career interests. Says that, despite its magazine-like organization, iVillage offers a significant amount of interactive content and reference material. Includes one sidebar.
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