Volume 17,  Number 5 • May 2000
Why are manhole covers round? — How to assure the proper fit during the interview process
by Richard Ream

HIRING LINE column focuses on the interview process for information professionals. States that with qualified candidates in short supply throughout the information industry, the hiring process and the art of the interview have become more critical than ever for both the client and the candidate. Offers advice for answering typical questions posed by professional interviewers, along with handling the interview conducted by inexperienced interviewers. Notes that the mission is to probe for the interviewer's hidden agenda and the important needs that do not appear in a job description. Provides sample questions to help direct the response to what is important to the interviewer. Says that one needs to be prepared to control the interview and demonstrate the ability to do the work. Contains a list of references.
Internet & Personal Computing Abstracts   © 2000 Information Today, Inc.