Volume 17, Number 4 • April 2000
BUDDIE welcomes the new millennium — Who will win this year's Best Unknown Database Award?
by Mick O'Leary

DATABASE REVIEW column presents the 2000 BUDDIE award for the Best Unknown Database. Lists the three criteria for the award as having high-quality content, covering important topics of widespread interest and importance, and being less well-known than its worth and interest merit. Gives the award to Policy.com produced by VoxCap.com of Chicago, IL (312). Relates that the heart of Policy.com is the Issues Library, a collection of links to several thousand documents from hundreds of Web sites, with both basic and advanced search capabilities. Describes departments that also make the site a policy news service, including Top Policy News, Daily Briefings, "In the Tanks," and Policy Calendar. Notes that the advertising presence is modest and unobtrusive. Calls it a unique and valuable information resource and an outstanding BUDDIE winner. Contains one product summary.
Internet & Personal Computing Abstracts   © 2000 Information Today, Inc.