Volume 20, Number 1 • January 2000
Web sites and Web authoring programs: trade-off or terror?
by D. Scott Brandt

TECHMAN'S TECHPAGE column focuses on Web authoring programs (WAPs) and whether they are terrible weapons of mass miscommunication or wonderful tools for the masses. Indicates that some colleagues are adamant about not using WAPs, arguing that they produce bad HTML code. Defines bad code as "files that are slow to load, inaccessible to many users, syntactically invalid, hard to navigate, and generally poor in content and design." Observes that while many things can lead to a bad Web site, there is a difference between bad code and poor choices in design. Wonders if it really matters, as long as the code works. Points out that point-and-click WAPs allow people who have some basic knowledge of using applications in windowing environments to apply their skills to one of the most amazing means of communication since wireless phones. Includes one table and a list of references.
Internet & Personal Computing Abstracts   © 2000 Information Today, Inc.