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Conferences > Internet@Schools at Internet Librarian
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October 27 - 28
Monterey Conference Center
Monterey, CA
In conjunction with Internet Librarian
Internet LibrarianPrevious Internet@Schools Conferences

Speaker Session(s)
[Click on session title to view details.]
Nadine Renazile, Lead Librarian Grades 5-8, The School at Columbia University

Nadine Renazile's experience as a librarian in a variety of settings is evidence of her interest in the different ways people access information. Her experiences as a High School Librarian in a suburban high school, a Middle School Librarian in the Bronx and as a Reference Librarian at the New York Public Library have all prepared her to help students develop a critical inquiry approach to their research. In 2003, Nadine was awarded the Fulbright Teacher Memorial Fund fellowship. It allowed her to visit schools in Japan, immersion in that culture convinced her of the importance of internationalizing the education system here in the U.S. in order to competently and competitively face our global future. Nadine has been the Lead Librarian for grades 5-8 at The School at Columbia since 2006.

Sessions by Nadine Renazile
10-18-2011   1:30 PM – 2:30 PM   E203: iPads, iPods, and E-Readers in the School Library

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