Volume 17,  Number 7 • July/August 2000
MEDLINEplus: MEDLINE for the masses — This site offers comprehensive, consumer-oriented health information
by Mick O'Leary

DATABASE REVIEW column focuses on MEDLINEplus ($NA), the consumer health-information service from the National Library of Medicine in Bethesda, MD (888). Points out that many of the medical/health Web sites are trying to sell something, so it is fortunate to have strong health-information counterweights from the public sector. States that the MEDLINEplus topics, organization, and reading level are intended for the average person who needs reliable and thorough medical and health information. Says that the principal section is Health Topics, a collection of publications from the leading federal government medical agencies; the two other reference databases are a drug manual and a medical encyclopedia. Notes that MEDLINEplus is unrivaled for the depth of information, comprehensiveness of subject coverage, and reliability, although it lacks services such as bulletin boards and chats. Includes a product summary.
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