Intranet Professional
Volume 3 • Number 4
July/August 2000

Balancing in the Chaos: Solo Librarians as Intranet Webmasters
Tim Tripp, Virtual Library Project Manager, University Health Network

The solo librarian: the lone information professional in an organization, often with a title not befitting of the numerous duties piled upon, or taken on, by them. Be they called “Information Officer,” “Resource Center Manager,” “Researcher,” “Information Specialist,” or just “Librarian,” their primary function of balancing the chaos of information with the overriding goals of the organization has never been more apparent than when taking upon the role of administering their organization’s intranet.

Perhaps it is the librarian’s nature as a “balancing monster”—our innate interest in the nature of information and its dissemination—that led us to embrace the new technologies of the Internet. Often it was the organizational librarian who was the first with Internet access—even though we had to go to external Internet service providers, desktop access not having quite caught the imagination of senior management. This early adoption has led, in many instances, to an obvious choice when looking for someone to help in adapting these technologies to internal communication.

[Complete article available in print] 

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